Affiliate Marketing: What Is It?

03.38.00 Add Comment
Affiliate Marketing: What Is It?

Affiliate marketing is a great way to make an extra income. Once you have everything all set up and ready to go, you can begin making an income from your efforts. Affiliate marketing is when someone else pays you a commission or a percentage of what you sell for them. For example, a coffee business may pay you 10% on all sales that you make for them. This is how it works:

When a business decides that they would like to have some help selling their product or service, they will then start an affiliate program. When they do this, they are allowing others to sign up and sell their products or a particular service that they are offering. The ones that sign up to the affiliate program have multiple ways that they can market the service or the product that we will get into later. However, the company that needs the help selling the product, will then give all of their affiliates a unique ID number that they can use in their links, and so that the company can see who the sale came from when a sale is made from an affiliate. 

There are many different types of affiliate marketing programs. There are those that offer one time commissions off of a sale. Some of them might offer lifetime commissions, and others may pay just for leads that you can get them. Whether it is for a newsletter lead, or something else. Just having interested parties sign up for things for more information is another one.

The type of affiliate program that you choose to have is completely up to the person that is the owner of the business. They can decide the percentage, or flat rate that they are willing to pay for a sale or a lead. Then those interested can sign up and help them make sales and get leads for a certain amount of money.

Those signing up for affiliate marketing, and different programs to sell for others, can do this many ways. They can promote the services or the products on a website that is relevant to the affiliate programs that they are a part of. Or they can also promote them on a blog. Both of these are great ways to get traffic to your affiliate programs and make sales from them. Some even use email and newsletter marketing as a way to get sales for others as well. Which ever technique and way that you decide to use is up to you. 

Once you have chosen the affiliate programs that you are wanting to market, you will then need to be sure to read all of the rules and stipulations for that program. Because all of them will be different. Some may not want their name used in the URL of your website, and some might also not want the particular product or service that you are selling for them used in the title tags for the page, or anywhere else on the page. Because of all of the different requirements and stipulations that you have to read, you may even need some software to help you sort it all out and decide which one is the best for you and your affiliate marketing business.

Choosing the affiliate marketing programs that you want to go with is not hard to do at all. Choose something that you know about, and that you can be known as an expert about. The more passionate you are about the service or product, the better, as it will shine through. Once you have all of your programs in place, check out SEO, and find out how to get your website up on the first page of the search engines. This is going to take hard work and determination, but you can do it.

Affiliate marketing is something that anyone can learn. Start out by reading a good ebook or blog by someone that is a pro for the best marketing tips and techniques that you can use. Learn from others that have done and accomplished what you are trying to do. 

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Affiliate Marketing: Tips On How To Spot A Scam

03.33.00 Add Comment
Affiliate Marketing: Tips On How To Spot A Scam

Many of us want new jobs with new opportunities. We are either bored with what we are doing at the moment and desire new challenges, or dislike the place we are currently working and desperately want a change. Many of us would love to run our own businesses. The freedom and independence that this brings, answering only to you and working when you want is an incredibly desirable thing. However, the reality of this materializing is slim to none in most people’s cases. Most of us don’t have the capital required to start a small business. Others are frightened off by the risk factor involved. Your steady income will be gone as well as the fact that nearly 90 % of all new businesses fail within the first year.

Affiliate marketing is a way around the risk and start up costs. Affiliate marketing costs nothing to join and the risk is minimal. You paid according to what you produce and not according to how the company is performing. There are many wonderful affiliate programs for you to get involved with, however as with anything one needs to be cautious.

Unfortunately, today we live in an age of internet and business fraud. Countless people loose large sums of money on these home business scams. Unfortunately, the world of affiliate marketing is not immune to this. While it is impossible to list every precaution a person should take, there are some signs that people can look for. These don’t always mean that the company is fraudulent but they should be looked into carefully.

Many lull themselves into a false sense of security when it comes to affiliate marketing programs. They feel that, there is no cost to them money wise so they have nothing to loose. However, this isn’t true. You may get away with no money being lost but you could lose loads of your next most precious commodity, that being time. You’re going to have to work very hard to build up your affiliate marketing business so you will want to be legitimate.

You should definitely ask the company for testimonials. Don’t rely on the ones that they post on their website. Anyone could have written these. Ask for names and addresses of people that you can contact to find out how the program worked for them. You can also try searching on your favorite search engine. By looking under scams or the company name, you’ll have a good chance of digging up any dirt that is there.

Read the testimonials carefully. If you find a few bad reviews, this shouldn’t put you off. Sometimes people just are not cut out for certain programs. If there is more good than bad then things are likely okay. You can also use these testimonials for advice on what to do and what not to do.

If you have problems finding information then this should be a warning. Good affiliate programs will have been around for a while and will have a track record. Resist the temptation to join up while the offer is still hot. If it is a good program it will still be there in 6 months time. If the product or service is worth having, there will still be plenty of profit to make out of it.

The lure of running our own businesses attracts many. However, the reality of what is involved stops most of us before we get started. Affiliate marketing is a way to work for you without the financial risk. There are many great affiliate marketing programs in existence today. However, there are also many companies that are fraudulent. When deciding who to go with, check for testimonials. Use the internet to dig up the dirt. Check the company’s track record. No track record at all can be as bad as a negative record. Beware of new companies. If they are worth it they will still be there in a few months time.

Affiliate Marketing Tips

03.28.00 Add Comment
Affiliate Marketing Tips

Today, many of us want to pack up our jobs and be our own bosses. The idea of working for you attracts many. However, the reality of making it happen soon stops most. In fact the vast majority of us cannot get a business off the ground due to 2 main factors; the first being money and the second being risk. 

Starting even a small business takes a fair amount of money. You need to buy or rent premises, purchase your stock and equipment and pay staff if you have them. You will also have other outside expenses such as advertising. 

Risk is the factor that kills most businesses off. Even if you’re lucky enough to get the capital to start, nearly 90% of all small businesses fail in the first year. If yours is one of the lucky ones, you have to keep reinvesting your time and money to build up the businesses reputation. It could be anywhere from 5-7 years before any significant profit is seen. Most of us cannot wait that long which is what makes affiliate marketing such an attractive offer.

Affiliate marketing involves you, working as an affiliate for a merchant or company. You sell either goods or services and you’re paid on how much you produce. There are no costs and no risk. You put in what you choose and are rewarded accordingly.

Running an affiliate marketing business is challenging. You’ll have to work very hard to build it up. However, you’ll be rewarded for your hard work not someone else. Getting an affiliate marketing program going may seem difficult. The truth is it is down to you and how much you want to put in. There is no sure fire way to success but there are some good tips that you can follow to make you affiliate marketing scheme as successful as possible.

There are literally thousands of programs for you to choose from. However, to get started you may want to choose something that you are familiar with. This product or service may not be the hottest thing on the current market or make you a millionaire, but you will come off more confident and sincere with something you know and believe in.

This will also help when it comes to creating your site. Something familiar will allow you to be personal and creative. Trying to create a site around something you know little about will soon become boring and tedious.

Working with something familiar will also give you the some experience in the program. You can always expand at a latter time when you are more familiar with how things work.

Another good piece of advice is to watch the number of banners that you put up. A site full of banners will make the site look ugly and put off potential buyers. Carefully place your banners and use them to accent your site. Stuffing it full will not help.

Remember, in the world of affiliate marketing there is no such thing as the perfect program. Any particular program will be stuffed full of varying testimonials. Some will be great will others will have not done so well. You need to decide for yourself and not be put of by a few bad experiences. In the end it is down to you and how much you want to put in.

Affiliate marketing is a great way to make money and work for you. The risk to you is minimal and there is no start up cost. There are many great affiliate marketing programs out there and choosing the right one may seem like a daunting task. When you first start out remember to stick to what you know. Find something you know about and have an interest in. Make your site attractive to others and resist the urge to fill it with banners. This may end up having the opposite of your desired effect. Finally remember, there is no perfect program. Some will have success where others have failed. It is all down to you. Don’t give up.

Affiliate Marketing: Staying Away From Scams

03.27.00 Add Comment
Affiliate Marketing: Staying Away From Scams

Many of us are upset and frustrated with our current jobs. The low pay and sense of being undervalued drive many of us to dream of our own businesses. However, the costs combines with the risk factors stops most of us in our tracks. Affiliate marketing is a way for people to work for themselves with no risk. There is no cost to you and you’re paid on performance. However, today one has to be careful. There are plenty of scammers and con artists out there that are more than happy to take you money and hard work off of you. Unfortunately, affiliate marketing is not immune to these scammers. Daily, people are taken in by promises of big money with relatively little effort. In this article we will teach you some of the signs to look for and tell you how to spot a scam.

When you join an affiliate marketing scheme, you either going to sell a product or a service. With products, you usually have a choice and range to sell. How you decide to do this is largely up to you. You could also sell a service. Web page designs as well as increasing sales and internet traffic are all examples of services offered by affiliate marketing programs. 

How many times have you seen as ad on the internet promising huge earnings? Things like “Earn 1000$ a day” or Join our program now and become a millionaire. If your look closely at these ads they are not actually selling anything. Any company that is just selling the opportunity to make money is likely a scam. True, some affiliate marketing companies will have attention grabbing headlines like the ones mentioned above. However, if you go on to read the ad and information, there will likely be a detailed description of what they company sells. They will also have a disclaimer and terms and conditions listed. 

These companies that offer, the opportunity to make money are likely pyramid schemes. The only people paying money in are the ones actually joining. There is no income being created, just money being passed from person to person. Not only are these scams and you’ll loose what you invested, they are also illegal and you can face prosecution.

Another thing to watch out for is no free participation. If you have to pay to join then you may have stumbled upon a scam or what is known as a multilevel marketing program. Multi-level marketing programs are completely legal and some people make good livings out of them. However, if you’re not successful you may end up purchasing a bunch of products that you cannot sell.

True affiliate programs are free. That is part of their attraction. There are no costs to you and they should also be risk free. Any Affiliate marketing programs that demands your money is not an affiliate program. You should ask yourself why they are misrepresenting themselves this way if they are legitimate.

Many of us dream of being our own bosses. We would love to be able to take control of our lives and careers. The attraction of answering only to you combined with setting your own working hours and committing what your choose bring loads of people into the affiliate marketing schemes. Affilaite marketing can be an excellent way for a highly motivated, creative person to make an excellent living. There are some wonderful programs out there just waiting to be joined. However, for every great program there is likely one that is fraudulent. Con artists operate in many areas and unfortunate affiliate marketing is not immune.

Before joining, check to see what the company is selling. If they are not selling goods or services then they are likely an illegal pyramid scheme. If they require your own money to get started then they are what are known as a multi level marketing program. Affiliate marketing can be a great opportunity but you need to do your homework.

Affiliate Marketing Resources

03.15.00 Add Comment
Affiliate Marketing Resources
Many of us would love to venture out on our own and work for ourselves. However, two major factors tend to get in the way. The fist being money and the second being risk. These two factors should not be taken lightly. Even small businesses need a substantial amount of capital to get them started. The risk factor is even scarier. Up to 90% of all small businesses fail within the first year. 

Affiliate marketing takes the risk away. It can also be started with next to 0 money. Affiliate marketing can be quite a lucrative venture. If you have a natural knack for sales or marketing and are self motivated and prepared to work hard then an affiliate marketing scheme could be a wise move for you.

Almost daily, you see advertised, courses and seminars that claim to hold the secret of instant wealth. By attending this course you will have all of the tools you need to get your business off the ground and become a millionaire. Those who want to start their own affiliate marketing business often attend these thinking that they will help their business thrive.

Courses and seminars more often then not, disappoint. First, these courses and seminars are usually quite expensive. You have the course or seminar fee. Plus any travel and hotel costs. Most of these are held in heavy tourist destinations around the country. Second, the person giving the seminar or course is usually on some kind of a promotional tour. While they do give out information at the course or seminar, their true goal is to sell you their latest book or software. The truth be told, everything you learned from that seminar was probably written in their book. You could have saved thousands if you had just bough their book and read it rather than shelling out for this course.

While it is true that you should educate yourself in affiliate marketing, the best resources are not courses. However, books are. By simply reading up on affiliate marketing, you can gain wonderful insights and save loads of money. By simply looking on retail sites such as Amazon or EBay, you can get hundred of titles on the subject. There are loads of step by step guides available on how to get your affiliate marketing business going and how to build it up.

Another great resource for affiliate marketing is the internet. Simply by typing affiliate marketing into any major search engine, loads of information comes up. There are plenty of free courses online that you can take on the subject if you are determined. Read through the information available to you for nothing. Chances are a course or a seminar won’t teach you anymore than what you can learn online for free.

Magazines and news letters are fantastic resources for affiliate marketing. Newsletters are generally free and contain good, valuable information about particular programs. You’ll hear account from people who are working in affiliate marketing. Their advice is worth having being that they are doing now what you want to be doing in the near future.

Finally, one of the advantages of joining an affiliate marketing program is the support that you receive. Any legitimate company should want you to succeed. The more profit you make, they better for them. They should have their own advice and support network that is available to you. This could be in the form of an agent whom you can contact or advertising materials. They may offer a wide variety of things to help you build your business. They can be one of the most important resources for you to rely on.

If you are considering a career in affiliate marketing, then you should find out what you are getting yourself into. Don’t waste money on expensive seminars and courses. Look for books, newsletters, online information and the companies themselves. Some of the best information is available to you for free.

Affiliate Marketing Businesses VS Sole Ownership

03.08.00 Add Comment
Sole Ownership

Today, many of us want to back in our jobs and go to work for ourselves. However, the difference between those who want it and those that actually do it is staggering. Those that do make the attempt have two options open to them. Create their own sole proprietorship or create and affiliate marketing business. Both can be quite productive if they are successful.

Business requires a great deal of work despite the avenue you take. The more you’re put in the more you are likely to get back. However, the sole proprietorship requires much more time and commitment and a much greater degree of risk. Creating your own business is extremely difficult. Unless you have a unique idea that is marketable you are going to have compitition with other businesses. You have to create stragedies to attract customers away from the already well known businesses in your area and over to yours. If you succeed the rewards can be immense but if you fail you could loose everything.

Affiliate marketing businesses provide several advantages in this area. First, you are marketing products that are already in existence. Fairly known brands are not so hard to sell especially if the have a good reputation. Good and trusted products will attract customers much faster than something new and unknown. Affiliate marketing takes care of all of this for you.

Being a sole proprietor is incredibly risky. If your business fails like the vast majorities do your source of income has ended. Depending on how much debt your business had and how your financed the venture, you could loose much more than income.

Affiliate marketing takes the risk away. You paid according to how well you perform. You do not need to worry how the business is performing overall. You get your commission based on what you sell. Affiliate marketing businesses are usually well established so you don’t have to worry about them folding up at a moments notice.

Advertising is a huge part of any business. If you’re a sole proprietor, advertising depends on you. You have to have enough in your budget to hire someone or devise a campaign yourself. The first costs money and the latter requires a great deal of time.

With affiliate marketing, the advertising is taken care of for you. You’re usually given all you need in the form of leaflets, catalogs and other product information. You also likely given good advice on how best to sell the products. Affiliate marketing programs should try to help you as much as possible. They better you do the better they do.

Finally, many times you need support and advice when you run a business. If you’re a sole proprietor, you’ll have to hire out professionals for this. This runs into extra costs for your business. With affiliate marketing, there should be a representative on hand that you can contact for support and advice. This service is usually free to all members.

Business is tough no matter how you slice it. Either route you take will require hard work and dedication. However, if you want to work for yourself, why not join a program where most of the work is done for you. With affiliate marketing, the risk is taken away. This allows you time to concentrate on what needs to be done. Making profits and creating your business.

Affiliate Marketing and Pay Per Click

03.05.00 Add Comment
pay per click

Do you want to make more money? Do you want to turn that computer you spent so much money on into a cash cow? Well it is possible. It won’t happen overnight but with time and hard work you’ll soon be working from home if you choose.

Do you currently have a website? Do you wonder why it isn’t making you any money? You keep posting great content, wonderful writing samples and articles but still your balance is zero. Well perhaps you need to expand your horizons. By signing up for pay per click affiliate sites you can soon see cash going into your account simply by maintaining your site.

One of the most popular Pay per click programs is Google adsense. Google Adsense will take care of the advertising for you. When you sign up, your site will have new advertisements and banner places in the open spaces. If anyone visits your site and clicks on one of the ads, you get a referral payment. Again, Google takes care of the ad placement allowing you to concentrate on increasing the traffic to your site.

Joining a scheme such as Google adsense is a good idea. They will help to promote your site and advise you on how to increase your traffic.

If you have been maintaining your website for a while, you probably know that one of the best ways to attract traffic is through the use of keywords. The right keywords will have them flocking to your site. The wrong words will have them running in droves. Sites such as Google adsense can help with this as well. They operate Google ad words. This will help maximize the key word usage and help get the correct one for the most traffic. Google does charge for this service so you need to be sure it is worth it before you buy. You don’t want all of your profits ate up by the ad words scheme.

When you sign up for Google adsense, you can be assured that page appropriate ads will be places on your webpage. If you have a pet care site then things related to that topic will be placed. Obscure and ads that have nothing to do with your page are not likely to impress your reader or increase your earnings.

Google Adsense is only one example of search engines that offer a pay per click money making service. There are hundreds of others. One of the most notable is Yahoo publisher. It functions in much the same way as Google adsense and offers a similar style of service. Which one you choose will largely depend on you. If you have several sites, you could try both schemes. See which one is better and go with that one.

If you have a or several web pages that just seem to be doing nothing, then look into a pay per click program. Sites such as Google adsense and yahoo publisher will do most of the hard work for you. They will place the ads and decide which ads will be best for your site. This will leave you time to do the most important thing; increase your site traffic and eventually your ad revenue. If you have websites, look into pay per click. The service is free so you have nothing to loose.

Affiliate Marketing And Home Business

03.02.00 Add Comment
Afillate marketing and home business
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Many of us dream of being our own bosses. The lure of big money and flexible work hours is quite attractive. However, many are afraid to venture out on their own. They fear that they do not have the capital required to get a business started or they don’t want to loose the security of their day job.

The solution could be starting a home business. The truth of the matter is that you can start your home business with no money at all. Ask yourself this, do you have a spare room or space in your house. Do you have a computer with an internet connection? Do you have a phone line? If you have these three things you have the essentials of an office from which your home business can be made.

Affiliate marketing can be a great way for you to get started in your home business. Affiliate marketing will provide you with the opportunity to sell either a product or a service. With low capital and little space you may want to concentrate on services.

Once you have made the decision, you need to evaluate your skills. What services can you offer and what skills can you bring. Many people start of with affiliate marketing programs from major search engines. If you’re good at website design, you could register your page with someone such as yahoo publisher. This way your site will get traffic with the help of the search engine Yahoo. If yours is a sales website, your traffic could translate into increased sales. The more exposure to your site the better.

The other thing you can try to do is attract traffic to other sites. Retail sites such as Amazon and EBay have affiliate marketing programs. If you can generate traffic and increase sales then you make money. Both programs offer ways to increase revenues through links and blogs. These are usually free and worth using. Remember, the more you make the more they make.

Finally, your site can make money in another way. When it is posted on sites such as yahoo publisher or Google ad sense, there will be ads placed. Whenever a visitor clicks on an ad you make money. The more clicks the more cash. The operators take care of all the advertising costs and placement. They also try to place appropriate ads to your page. If you’re selling rare books ads for fish food are not likely going to get clicked.

If you want to start working for yourself but feel you don’t have the money then you’re wrong. If you have a computer and space to put it then you have all you need. You can also start you home business and work it around your job. You can gradually commit more time as your home business grows.

If you’re tired of your job and really want to work for yourself then stop making excuses and do it. Though affiliate marketing programs and selling services you will find that having your home business is easier than you think. All it takes is time and a commitment to succeed. By taking advanantage of the affiliate marketing programs that are currently available, you can make money and improve your own marketing skills. Remember, you can always expand into other areas and venture out totally on your own later. Right now, get marketing and get clicking.

A Day In The Life Of An Affiliate Marketer

02.58.00 Add Comment
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Being in the affiliate marketing business is not that hard now with the internet at your disposable. It is much easier now compared to the days when people have to make use of the telephones and other mediums of information just to get the latest updates on the way their program is coming along.

So with technology at hand, and assuming that the affiliate is working from home, a day in his or her life would sound something like this…

Upon waking up and after having breakfast, the computer is turned on to check out new developments in the network. As far as the marketer is concerned there might be new things to update and statistics to keep track on.

The site design has to be revised. The marketer knows that a well-designed site can increase sign ups from visitors. It can also help in the affiliate’s conversion rates.

That done, it is time to submit the affiliate program to directories that lists affiliate programs. These directories are means to attract people in joining your affiliate program. A sure way of promoting the affiliate program.

Time to track down the sales you are getting from your affiliates fairly and accurately. There are phone orders and mails to track down. See if they are new clients checking the products out. Noting down the contact information that might be a viable source in the future.

There are lots of resources to sort out. Ads, banners, button ads and sample recommendations to give out because the marketer knows that this is one way of ensuring more sales. Best to stay visible and accessible too.

The affiliate marketer remembered that there are questions to answer from the visitors. This has to be done quickly. Nothing can turn off a customer than an unanswered email.

To prove that the affiliate is working effectively and efficiently, inquiries would have to be paid more attention on. Nobody wants to be ignored and customers are not always the most patient of all people. Quick answer that should appear professional yet friendly too.

In the process of doing all the necessities, the marketer is logged on to a chat room where he or she interacts with other affiliates and those under that same program. This is where they can discuss things on how to best promote their products.

There are things to be learned and it is a continuous process. Sharing tips and advices is a good way of showing support. There may be others out there wanting to join and may be enticed by the discussion that is going on. There is no harm in assuming what opportunities ahead.

The newsletters and ezines were updated days ago, so it is time for the affiliate marketer to see if there are some new things happening in the market. This will be written about in the marketer’s publication to be distributed to the old and new customers.

These same publications are also an important tool in keeping up to date with the newly introduced products. The marketer has put up a sale and promotion that customers may want to know about. Besides, they have to keep up with the deadline of these sales written in the publications.

It is that time to show some appreciation to those who have helped the marketer in the promotions and sale increase. Nothing like mentioning the persons, their sites and the process they have done that made everything worked.

Of course, this will be published in the newsletters. Among the more important information that have been written already.

The marketer still has time to write out recommendations to those who want credible sources for the products being promoted. There is also time to post some comments on how to be a successful affiliate marketer on a site where there are lots of wannabees.

Two objectives done at the same time. The marketer gets to promote the product as well as the program they are in. Who knows, someone may be inclined to join.

Time flies. Missed lunch but is quite contented with the tasks done. Bed time….

Ok, so this may not be all done in a day. But then, this gives you an idea of how an affiliate marketer, a dedicated one that is, spends the marketing day.

Is that success looming in the distance or what?

3 Things All Affiliate Marketers Need To Survive Online

02.45.00 Add Comment
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Every affiliate marketer is always looking for the successful market that gives the biggest paycheck. Sometimes they think it is a magic formula that is readily available for them. Actually, it is more complicated than that. It is just good marketing practices that have been proven over years of hard work and dedication.
There are tactics that have worked before with online marketing and is continuing to work in the online affiliate marketing world of today. With these top three marketing tips, you will be able to able to increase your sales and survive in the affiliate marketing online.

What are these three tactics?

1. Using unique web pages to promote each separate product you are marketing. Do not lump all of it together just to save some money on web hosting. It is best to have a site focusing on each and every product and nothing more.

Always include product reviews on the website so visitors will have an initial understanding on what the product can do to those who buys them. Also include testimonials from users who have already tried the product. Be sure that these customers are more than willing to allow you to use their names and photos on the site of the specific product you are marketing.

You can also write articles highlighting the uses of the product and include them on the website as an additional page. Make the pages attractive compelling and include calls to act on the information. Each headline should attract the readers to try and read more, even contact you. Highlight your special points. This will help your readers to learn what the page is about and will want to find out more.

2. Offer free reports to your readers. If possible position them at the very top side of your page so it they simply cannot be missed. Try to create autoresponder messages that will be mailed to those who input their personal information into your sign up box. According to research, a sale is closed usually on the seventh contact with a prospect.

Only two things can possibly happen with the web page alone: closed sale or the prospect leaving the page and never return again. By placing useful information into their inboxes at certain specified period, you will remind them of the product they thought they want later and will find out that the sale is closed. Be sure that the content is directed toward specific reasons to buy the product. Do not make it sound like a sales pitch.

Focus on important points like how your product can make life and things easier and more enjoyable. Include compelling subject lines in the email. As much as possible, avoid using the word “free” because there are still older spam filters that dumps those kind of contents into the junk before even anyone reading them first. Convince those who signed up for your free reports that they will be missing something big if they do not avail of your products and services.

3. Get the kind of traffic that is targeted to your product. Just think, if the person who visited your website has no interest whatsoever in what you are offering, they will be among those who move on and never come back. Write articles for publication in e-zines and e-reports. This way you can locate publications that is focusing on your target customers and what you have put up might just grab their interest.

Try to write a minimum of 2 articles per week, with at least 300-600 words in length. By continuously writing and maintaining these articles you can generate as many as 100 targeted readers to your site in a day.
Always remember that only 1 out of 100 people are likely to buy your product or get your services. If you can generate as much as 1,000 targeted hits for your website in a day, that means you can made 10 sales based on the average statistic.

The tactics given above does not really sound very difficult to do, if you think about it. It just requires a little time and an action plan on your part.

Try to use these tips for several affiliate marketing programs. You can end maintaining a good source of income and surviving in this business that not all marketers can do.
Besides, think of the huge paychecks you will be receiving…

Hacker Direkrut Bos Bukalapak Karena Memperbaiki Bug Keamanan

20.53.00 Add Comment

Seorang peretas (hacker) baru-baru ini dipekerjakan oleh tokoonline Bukalapak. Peretas ini diketahui berhasil menemukan celah keamanan laman Bukalapak.

"Jadi anak ini memang pintar banget, dia anak Institut Pertanian Bogo (IPB) yang bisa memukan celah atau bug di Bukalapak dan di tempat lain juga. Setelah kejadian, Bukalapak memberikan reward Rp 15 juta," kata Founder sekaligus CEO Bukalapak Achmad Zaky ketika dihubungi Tekno, Rabu (20/7/2016) di Jakarta.

Zaky mengatakan, Bukalapak menghargai anak muda yang berhasil menemukan celah seperti ini di sistem Bukalapak. Menurutnya, setiap sistem yang dibangun pasti memiliki kelemahan. 

Karenanya, Bukalapak selalu memberikan hadiah kepada mereka yang berhasil menemukan celah dan melaporkannya.

"Celah di mana pun pasti ada, kepada mereka yang menemukan celah dan melaporkannya kepada kami, pasti kami berireward," ujarnya.

Kejadian penemuan celah di sistem Bukalapak ini bukan pertama kalinya. Sebelumnya, beberapa kali Bukalapak pernah memberikan hadiah serupa kepada para peretas yang berhasil menemukan celah dan melaporkannya kepada perusahaan.

Menurut Zaky, reward yang diberikan kepada peretas yang diketahui bernama Herdian Nugraha itu merupakan yang paling besar yang pernah diberikan Bukalapak.
Lantaran peretas muda itu juga memiliki ketertarikan untuk bekerja di Bukalapak, melalui seleksi yang dijalankan ia pun diterima bekerja di startup yang didirikan awal 2010 itu.

"Karena tertarik juga untuk bergabung di Bukalapak, melalui seleksi, dia diterima di Bukalapak dan bekerja mulai Senin kemarin," ucap Zaky.

Herdian, nama hacker tersebut, menuliskan dalam blog pribadinya mengenai keberhasilannya meretas beberapa laman toko online, termasuk Bukalapak. Dalam tulisannya, disebutkan semuanya berasal dari rasa iseng setelah melihat fitur file uploaddi laman profile.

Ia bertutur, pikirannya langsung mengarah pada celah bernama ImageTragick. Selanjutnya, ia mulai melakukan peretasan dan melaporkannya kepada pihak Bukalapak.

Atas keberhasilannya menambah celah beberapa situs ternama di Indonesia itu, Herdian lalu mendapatkan sejumlah reward.

"Perlu dicatat, dalam kasus ini tidak ada pihak yang dirugikan. Untuk me-report dan dapatreward dan yang dikasih report dapat nge-patch aplikasinya lebih aman, win-win," tulis Herdian di dalam blog pribadinya.

Cara Tercepat Naik Level Pokemon GO NEWBIE GUIDE

14.26.00 Add Comment
Pokemon GO. Goes to most playing mobile game on 2016.

1. Berburu Pokemon
Tujuan dari game Pokemon GO adalah untuk membuat kamu pergi keluar rumah dan berburu Pokemon. Untuk mendapatkan banyak EXP dan meningkatkan level Pokemon GO, kamu bisa berburu Pokemon. Setiap Pokemon baru yang kamu dapatkan, kamu akan mendapatkan EXP 600 point. Sedangkan untuk Pokemon yang sudah ada sebelumnya, kamu hanya dapat 100 EXP.
Menangkap Pokemon100 XP
Mendapat Pokemon Baru500 XP

2. Menggunakan Teknik Lempar Bola
Cara cepat naik level di Pokemon GO selanjutnya adalah dengan menggunakan teknik melempar bola. Beberapa Pokemon yang kita tangkap dengan Pokeball, Great Ball ataupun Ultra Ball tentu pernah mendapatkan predikat Nice, Great, Excellent, ataupun Curveball. Ternyata hal tersebut juga bisa digunakan untuk menambah EXP point dan meningkatkan level Pokemon GO lebih cepat. Contoh, jika kamu mendapatkan Pokemon baru dengan predikat Excellent, maka kamu akan mendapatkan EXP sebanyak 700 EXP.
NiceEkstra 10 XP
GreatEkstra 50 XP
ExcellentEkstra 100 XP
CurveballEkstra 10 XP
3. Memutar Pokestop
PokeStop adalah salah satu tempat yang digunakan untuk mendapatkan item-item tertentu. Selain mendapatkan item, saat PokeStop diputar juga akan memberikan EXP sebanyak 50 point. Jangan lupa untuk memutar banyak PokeStop agar kita mendapatkan banyak item dan EXP yang banyak juga.
4. Memenangkan Gym
Gym di Pokemon GO adalah suatu tempat yang digunakan untuk bertarung sesama Pokemon. Selain melatih Pokemon, Gym juga bisa memberikan kita EXP saat berhasil menang melawan monster di dalamnya. Dengan sering bertarung di Gym, tentunya kita bisa meningkatkan level Pokemon GO lebih cepat.
Bertarung di Gym100 EXP
Memenangkan pertarungan di Gym150 EXP
Memenangkan pertarungan di Gym
(team yang sama)
50 EXP
5. Menetaskan Telur
cara-cepat-naik-level-di-pokemon-go-5Di dalam game Pokemon GO, terdapat sebuah telur yang hanya bisa dipecahkan dengan cara ditaruh di Incubator dan berjalan kaki. Rute perjalanan untuk memecahkan telur Pokemon GO berbeda-beda, mulai dari 2 KM, 5 KM, dan 10 KM. Ternyata, saat telur kita berhasil menetas. Kita akan mendapatkan EXP sebanyak 200 points.
6. Melakukan Evolusi
Setiap Pokemon yang kita tangkap, kita akan mendapatkan 3 buah Candy. Candy setiap Pokemon berbeda-beda. Kita bisa mengumpulkan Candy dengan jumlah tertentu untuk melakukan Evolusi monster tertentu. Saat kita melakukan Evolusi Pokemon, kita akan mendapatkan 500 EXP dan Pokemon jenis baru.
Jangan sungkan untuk menangkap Pokemon yang sudah pernah kamu dapatkan sebelumnya, selain bisa mendapatkan EXP, kamu juga bisa mendapatkan Candy monster tersebut dan melakukan EXP untuk meningkatkan level Pokemon GO lebih cepat.
7. Meningkatkan Lucky Egg
cara-cepat-naik-level-di-pokemon-go-7Lucky Egg adalah sebuah item untuk menggandakan pendapatan EXP yang didapat. Contoh, jika kamu mendapatkan 500 EXP saat menggunakan Lucky Egg, maka EXP akan bertambah jadi 1000 EXP. Lucky Egg bisa didapatkan bisa didapatkan saat naik level ataupun membelinya di Shop.

Cara Memaksimalkan Lucky Egg Untuk Cepat Naik Level

Beberapa cara yang biasa Saya lakukan untuk mendapatkan banyak EXP dan lebih cepat naik level saat main Pokemon GO:
  • Menyiapkan 10-15 Monster yang sudah siap Evolve, agar lebih mudah cari WeedleCaterpie dan Pidgey. Ketiga monster tersebut hanya butuh 12 Candy untuk Evolve.
  • Gunakan Lucky Egg.
  • Lakukan Evolve.
  • Dengan melakukan Evolve 15 monster sekaligus dan menggunakan Lucky Egg. Maka kamu akan mendapatkan EXP sebanyak 15000 EXP secara cepat.
  • Setiap monster yang kamu dapatkan juga EXP-nya akan bertambah 2 kali lipat.
Level 11000 XP-Tidak ada
Level 22000 XP15 Poke BallsTidak ada
Level 33000 XP15 Poke BallsTidak ada
Level 44000 XP15 Poke BallsTidak ada
Level 55000 XP10 Potion
1 Incense
10 Revives
Level 66000 XP15 Poke Balls
10 Potion
10 Revives
1 Egg Incubator
Tidak ada
Level 77000 XP15 Poke Balls
10 Potion
10 Revives
1 Incense
Tidak ada
Level 88000 XP15 Poke Balls
10 Potion
5 Revives
10 Razz Berry
1 Lure Modulator
Razz Berry
Level 99000 XP15 Poke Balls
10 Potion
5 Revives
3 Razz Berry
1 Lucky Egg
Tidak ada
Level 1010000 XP15 Poke Balls
10 Super Potions
10 Revives
10 Razz Berry
1 Incense
1 Lucky Egg
1 Egg Incubator
1 Lure Module
Super Potions
Level 1110000 XP15 Poke Balls
10 Super Potions
3 Revives
3 Razz Berry
Tidak ada
Level 1210000 XP20 Great Balls
10 Super Potions
3 Revives
3 Razz Berry
Great Balls
Level 1310000 XP15 Great Balls
10 Super Potions
3 Revives
3 Razz Berry
Tidak ada
Level 1415000 XP15 Great Balls
10 Super Potions
3 Revives
3 Razz Berry
Tidak ada
Level 1520000 XP15 Great Balls
20 Hyper Potions
10 Revives
10 Razz Berry
1 Incense
1 Lucky Egg
1 Egg Incubator
1 Lure Module
Hyper Potions
Level 1620000 XP10 Great Balls
10 Super Potions
5 Revives
5 Razz Berry
Tidak ada
Level 1720000 XP10 Great Balls
10 Super Potions
5 Revives
5 Razz Berry
Tidak ada
Level 1825000 XP10 Great Balls
10 Super Potions
5 Revives
5 Razz Berry
Tidak ada
Level 1925000 XP10 Great Balls
10 Super Potions
5 Revives
5 Razz Berry
Tidak ada
Level 2050000 XP20 Ultra Balls
20 Hyper Potions
20 Revives
20 Razz Berry
2 Incense
Lucky Egg
2 Egg Incubators
2 Lure Modules
Ultra Balls
Level 2050000 XP20 Ultra Balls
20 Hyper Potions
20 Revives
20 Razz Berry
2 Incense
Lucky Egg
2 Egg Incubators
2 Lure Modules
Ultra Balls
Level 2175000 XP10 Ultra Balls
10 Hyper Potions
10 Revives
10 Razz Berry
Tidak ada
Level 22100000 XP10 Ultra Balls
10 Hyper Potions
10 Revives
10 Razz Berry
Tidak ada
Level 23125000 XP10 Ultra Balls
10 Hyper Potions
10 Revives
10 Razz Berry
Tidak ada
Level 24150000 XP15 Ultra Balls
10 Hyper Potions
10 Revives
10 Razz Berry
Tidak ada
Level 25190000 XP25 Ultra Balls
20 Max Potions
15 Revives
15 Razz Berry
1 Incense
1 Lucky Egg
1 Egg Incubators
1 Lure Modules
Max Potions
Level 26200000 XP10 Ultra Balls
15 Max Potions
10 Revives
15 Razz Berry
Tidak ada
Level 27250000 XP10 Ultra Balls
15 Max Potions
10 Revives
15 Razz Berry
Tidak ada
Level 28300000 XP10 Ultra Balls
15 Max Potions
10 Revives
15 Razz Berry
Tidak ada
Level 29350000 XP???Tidak ada
Level 30500000 XP30 Ultra Balls
20 Max Potions
20 Max Revives
20 Razz Berry
3 Incense
3 Lucky Egg
3 Egg Incubators
3 Lure Modules
Max Revive
Itulah beberapa tips dan trik agar cepat naik level di Pokemon GO. Jika kamu punya cara cepat naik level lainnya, kamu bisa share di kolom komentar. Selamat mencoba!