Beragam Manfaat Ampas Teh Bekas

Beragam Manfaat Ampas Teh Bekas

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Teh diperoleh dari pengolahan daun tanaman teh (Camellia sinensis L) dari familia Theaceae. Tanaman ini diperkirakan berasal dari daerah pegunungan Himalaya dan daerah-daerah pegunungan yang berbatasan dengan Republik Rakyat Cina, India, dan Burma. Tanaman ini dapat tumbuh subur di daerah tropik dan subtropik dengan menuntut cukup sinar matahari dan hujan sepanjang tahun. Tanaman teh dapat tumbuh sampai sekitar 6-9 m tingginya. Di perkebunan-perkebunan tanaman teh dipertahankan hanya sampai sekitar 1 m saja dengan pemangkasan secara berkala. Ini dilakukan untuk memudahkan pemetikan daun dan agar diperoleh tunas-tunas daun teh yang cukup banyak.

Tanaman teh dapat tumbuh subur di daerah-daerah dengan ketinggian 200-2.000 m di atas permukaan laut. Di daerah-daerah yang rendah umumnya tanaman teh kurang dapat memberi hasil yang cukup tinggi. Tanaman teh menghendaki tanah yang dalam dan mudah menyerap air. Tanaman tidak tahan terhadap kekeringan serta menuntut curah hujan minimum 1.200 mm yang merata sepanjang tahun.

Perkebunan teh terpusat di dataran menengah dan tinggi di Pulau Jawa, Sumatera Utara, Sumatera Barat, Bengkulu, Sumatera Selatan. Pada tahun 1990 luas perkebunan teh di Indonesia 129.500 ha. Produksi teh pada tahun 1998 mencapai 136.109 ton.

Daun teh adalah bahan pembuat minuman teh yang populer di seluruh penjuru dunia. Air teh yang kita minum mengandung kafein, teofilin, vitamin A, B, C, zat yang tidak larut dalam air seperti serat, protein dan pati serta zat yang larut di dalam air seperti gula, asam amino dan mineral. Jadi selain sebagai minuman, teh juga mempunyai nilai gizi. Disamping itu teh juga bisa dijadikan obat yaitu sebagai antidotum pada keracunan oleh logam-logam berat dan alkaloida. Berikut ini kami akan menjelaskan beberapa manfaat dari teh bekas:

Teh Membantu Melawan Kanker
Hasil studi pada manfaat ini masih bercampur, dengan kata lain dibutuhkan penelitian lebih lanjut mengenai hal ini. Namun, sementara itu, Jika Anda memiliki sejarah keluarga yang kuat akan kanker dan Anda ingin melakukan sesuatu untuk mencegahnya, Anda bisa meningkatkan konsumsi teh Anda,

Menghilangkan Ketombe
Ketombe merupakan salah satu masalah rambut kepala dengan sisik berwarna putih pada kulit kepala. Ketombe juga dapat membuat anda kehilangan rasa percaya diri karena ketombe mudah terlihat apabila kita memakai baju bewarna hitam. Nah, ampas teh sangat cocok untuk menghilangkan ketombe dikulit kepala anda.

Teh Mengandung Anti Oksidan
Antioksidan pada teh berperan menjaga tubuh agar tidak menjadi “berkeriput” sehingga bisa membantu memperlambat penuaan serta melindungi dari kerusakan akibat polusi

Untuk Mengatasi Jerawat

Caranya tempelkan kantung teh celup bekas yang telah direndam selama semalaman ke bagian kulit wajah yang berjerawat, kemudian diamkan selama 10 menit, setelah itu barulah bilas wajah anda dengan air hangat.Kandungan mineral, vitamin, antibakterial, anti septik, dan lainnya yang ada pada ampas teh sangat ampuh untuk menghilangkan jerawat dan bekasnya

Mengecilkan Pori-Pori Wajah
Ampas teh juga bermanfaat untuk mengecilkan pori-pori wajah anda. Karena pori-pori wajah berguna pada pernafasan kulit dan berguna untuk pengeluaran kelenjar minyak berlebih. Pori-pori yang besar membuat kotoran mudah menempel pada kulit dan menyebabkan berbagai macam masalah kulit.

Untuk Mencerahkan Kulit Wajah

Ampas teh yang telah direndam selama semalaman dibalurkan ke seluruh wajah sama seperti saat anda sedang menggunakan masker lakukan setiap hari hingga tercapai hasil yang diharapkan

Untuk Menghilangkan Mata Panda

Siapkan 2 kantung teh celup bekas yang telah disimpan di dalam lemari pendingin selama semalaman, kemudian kompreskan ke mata anda, rasa dingin dari zat yang terkandung dalam teh ini akan mengatasi mata panda yang diakibatkan oleh kelelahan pada mata karena aktivitas yang banyak juga karena mata kurang istirahat.

Untuk Mengencangkan Kulit Wajah

Gunakan ampas teh bekas sebagai scrub dengan mengusapkannya pada bagian kulit wajah, diamkan sebentar, lalu bilas dengan air.

Untuk Menghilangkan Komedo

Sediakan ampas teh basi kemudian gosokkan ke area sekitar hidung maupun bagian wajah yang terdapat komedo. Lakukan hal ini dengan rutin hingga komedo pada bagian wajah hilang, namun jangan lupa untuk selalu membersihkan wajah setelah beraktivitas agar komedo tidak kembali lagi

Apabila anda merupakan penikmat teh, sebaiknya manfaatkan air sisa teh, ampas teh ataupun kantung teh celupnya karena terdapat banyak manfaat dibalik sebuah teh bekas sebagai solusi kecantikan untuk kulit wajah

How to dealing with merchant

19.17.00 Add Comment

How to dealing with merchant

Contacting the merchant of your interested program is an ideal way to increase your sales, which can save you a lot of time and heartache.  Once you contact the merchant, be sure to let them know what you are doing to promote their products, and ask for their advice when it comes to marketing.

The merchant will know the product the best, and they will have a good idea of the strategies that are being used by other affiliates to make sales.  By contacting the merchant, you'll also show them that you are dedicated to succeeding with affiliate marketing.

Contacting the merchant also shows your enthusiasm for marketing their products and services.  Any merchant who knows affiliate marketing also knows that over 90% of sales are generated by less than 5% of the affiliates.  Good merchants recognize your efforts and provide you with information and resources and may even boost your commission rates!

Dealing with merchants
If you email a merchant and they don't respond, try again.  If they still aren't responding, you should think again about continuing the partnership, as a lack of communication can indicate other problems as well - such as payment. 

Keep in mind that many merchants make big promises, and set a high payout rate knowing that very few affiliates will actually meet it.  This isn't a good way to do business, and you should avoid working with these types of merchants.

When you communicate with merchants, you should ensure that you use a professional tone. If you have suggestions of how a merchant can improve their offers, you should let them know.  Many merchants appreciate feedback, and know that any feedback they receive can improve their programs.

Wise merchants always understand that good affiliates are hard to find and will treat them with respect,  assist with resources, and be prompt with payments. Wise affiliates are the same way, and understand that merchants want quality promotion and sales performance. 

To get the most out of your partnership, you should always be professional and understanding with your merchant.  Good merchants are always busy, which may make them seem like they aren't that good.  They  will answer your questions and emails, although it may take them a little bit of time.

The longer you work with a merchant, the more you'll understand how they do things.  If you are just starting out in affiliate marketing, a merchant can help you understand how things work.  If you listen to them and show initiative, you'll be well on your way to making it to the top.
Contacting the merchant of your interested program is an ideal way to increase your sales, which can save you a lot of time and heartache.  Once you contact the merchant, be sure to let them know what you are doing to promote their products, and ask for their advice when it comes to marketing.

The merchant will know the product the best, and they will have a good idea of the strategies that are being used by other affiliates to make sales.  By contacting the merchant, you'll also show them that you are dedicated to succeeding with affiliate marketing.

Contacting the merchant also shows your enthusiasm for marketing their products and services.  Any merchant who knows affiliate marketing also knows that over 90% of sales are generated by less than 5% of the affiliates.  Good merchants recognize your efforts and provide you with information and resources and may even boost your commission rates!

Dealing with merchants
If you email a merchant and they don't respond, try again.  If they still aren't responding, you should think again about continuing the partnership, as a lack of communication can indicate other problems as well - such as payment. 

Keep in mind that many merchants make big promises, and set a high payout rate knowing that very few affiliates will actually meet it.  This isn't a good way to do business, and you should avoid working with these types of merchants.

When you communicate with merchants, you should ensure that you use a professional tone. If you have suggestions of how a merchant can improve their offers, you should let them know.  Many merchants appreciate feedback, and know that any feedback they receive can improve their programs.

Wise merchants always understand that good affiliates are hard to find and will treat them with respect,  assist with resources, and be prompt with payments. Wise affiliates are the same way, and understand that merchants want quality promotion and sales performance. 

To get the most out of your partnership, you should always be professional and understanding with your merchant.  Good merchants are always busy, which may make them seem like they aren't that good.  They  will answer your questions and emails, although it may take them a little bit of time.

The longer you work with a merchant, the more you'll understand how they do things.  If you are just starting out in affiliate marketing, a merchant can help you understand how things work.  If you listen to them and show initiative, you'll be well on your way to making it to the top.

Things To Know About Affiliate Marketing

19.13.00 Add Comment

Things To Know About Affiliate Marketing

The truth behind affiliate marketing is the fact that 90% of affiliates will actually make less than 100$ a month.  Therefore, you shouldn't count on making full time income unless you can get very good at the following:
1.  Building a good web site that converts.
2.  Search engine optimization. 
You'll need a lot of traffic, as maybe 1 out of 200 visitors will buy your products.  SEO can help you get your site in the search engines so more people will be able to find you.
3.  The trial and error of picking the right merchants and learning the correct ways to promote them.

Too many people out there assume that affiliate marketing is actually a get rich quick type of program. These types of people will throw up a couple of banners, then wonder why they never makea single sale or any money at all.

How long you'll need to do it depends on how much money you are wanting to make.  If you are a quick learner and really good at affiliate marketing, you may high 2,000 in 2 years.  This is based on the fact that you are starting at 0 and the fact that you have another full time job, not being able to devote a lot of time working with your affiliate marketing program.

If you decide to give it a try, the hardest challenge will be the first few months.  If you check your stats and see that you are only making a couple of bucks, you'll find yourself wondering if all the hard work was worth it.  If you get some sales going and stay committed with your hard work, the commissions should start growing.

One of the biggest factors with affiliate marketing is the traffic that goes through your site.  Even though you'll get a lot of traffic passing through your website, only a fraction of the traffic will be buyers.

The key here is knowing your visitors and then being able to determine which affiliate programs you can offer to meet their needs.  There is also the concept of pre sale, which is the ability to put your visitors in the required open and mind set that's required for them to actually click on what you are selling.

By sticking with affiliate marketing, you'll learn more and more over the years.  You can't expect to be the best when you first start, it'll take a lot of hard work and dedication.  By putting the time and effort into your programs, you'll be well on your way to making it in the very profitable and exciting world of affiliate marketing.